If you like working with kids and are enthusiastic about technology, a part-time teaching job at galactIQ can offer you a lot!
Children must go from being simple consumers of technology to understand it from within or even to become technological creators. Now is the time to start this educational journey and to acquire a sense of technological morality or to be respectful in the digital environment. Together with a great team, you'll work to improve the world by transferring your knowledge and preparing children for the future.
“part-time Tech/STEM teacher”
At galactIQ Academy you give lessons to kids in the field of technology / STEM. You will receive an initial training about how to deliver the lessons, how to solve problems in the class and programming in general. Following this initial course, we will keep all teachers up to date with each new topic you will have to teach in class. During the first lessons some of our staff will help you during class so that you take off smoothly at your new job. And once you are prepared, you’ll start teaching by yourself, and of course you can always contact our team to solve problems.
If you have been assigned a ‘beginners’ or ‘medium’ groups, then the lessons are very easy to deliver, we have created this online platform galactIQ where each lesson has a script, help items and much more. This is a plug-and-play teaching tool so delivering the lesson and keeping the students entertained is really easy. If you have been assigned an ‘advanced’ group then the lessons are a bit different, students won’t follow galactic.app, instead they will receive a challenge per month and they will research, program and find solutions for it. You will become more of a coach to them.
We provide all material needed: computers, robotics sets, etc. The teachers won’t have to bring their own computer although this will be highly appreciated.
We are looking for young university/college students, preferably studying PABO, psychology or any tech careers. The candidate must:
- …like to work with young kids and be patient around children.
- …be positive about teaching in general.
- …have an age between 20 and 30 years of age.
- …live in Maastricht or very near the city.
- …be able to compromise with one group of kids (one day and time slot per week) for at least a few months, preferably for the whole school year (September - June).
- …be curious or savvy about technology (programming and robotics).
You will teach 4 lessons per month per group taught in lessons of 1.5 hrs. The salary is 20€/hr and we add 10€ per lesson for commuting.
Are you interested in this job and do you think you are a good fit?